Mentry Programmer's Guide

For Mentry Version 4.3


Csaba Nemethi




Start page


What Is Mentry?

Mentry is a library package for Tcl/Tk versions 8.4 or higher, written in pure Tcl/Tk code.  It contains:

A multi-entry widget consists of any number of entry widgets separated by labels, all embedded in a frame.  Appropriately chosen configuration options make this conglomerate look like one single entry containing preinserted text pieces having invariant positions within the widget.  The initial width of an entry component also determines the maximal number of characters that can be inserted into it; when reaching this limit in an entry having the input focus, the latter is set automatically to the next enabled entry component.  The same action is triggered by typing a character contained in the label following the current entry, if the latter is non-empty.

Within a mentry widget, the Left, Right, Home, End, and BackSpace keys work across entry boundaries, while Control-Left and Control-Right play the same role as Tab and Shift-Tab in the case of ordinary entries.

Some of the above features are implemented with the aid of the widget callback package Wcb, written in pure Tcl/Tk code as well.  The Mentry package requires version 3.1 or higher of Wcb, whose download location is

It is very easy to create a multi-entry widget.  For example, the command

mentry::mentry .me -body {3 - 3 - 4}

will create a mentry widget consisting of two entries of width 3 and one of width 4, separated by "-" characters.  With the command

foreach w [.me entries] {
    wcb::cbappend $w before insert wcb::checkStrForNum

you can make sure that the three entries will only accept numeric input, thus providing a comfortable and safe user interface for editing 10-digit phone numbers.

How to Get It?

Mentry is available for free download from the same URL as Wcb.  The distribution file is mentry4.3.tar.gz for UNIX and for Windows.  These files contain the same information, except for the additional carriage return character preceding the linefeed at the end of each line in the text files for Windows.

Mentry is also included in tklib, which has the address

How to Install It?

Install the package as a subdirectory of one of the directories given by the auto_path variable.  For example, you can install it as a directory at the same level as the Tcl and Tk script libraries.  The locations of these library directories are given by the tcl_library and tk_library variables, respectively.

To install Mentry on UNIX, cd to the desired directory and unpack the distribution file mentry4.3.tar.gz:

gunzip -c mentry4.3.tar.gz | tar -xf -

On most UNIX systems this can be replaced with

tar -zxf mentry4.3.tar.gz

Both commands will create a directory named mentry4.3, with the subdirectories demos, doc, and scripts.

On Windows, use WinZip or some other program capable of unpacking the distribution file into the directory mentry4.3, with the subdirectories demos, doc, and scripts.

The file mentryThemes.tcl in the scripts directory is only needed for applications using the package Mentry_tile (see next section).

Notice that in tklib the Mentry demos directory is replaced with the subdirectory mentry of the examples directory.  Please take this into account when reading the examples below.

How to Use It?

The Mentry distribution provides two packages, called Mentry and Mentry_tile.  The main difference between the two is that Mentry_tile enables the tile-based, theme-specific appearance of mentry widgets; this package requires tile 0.6 or higher.  It is not possible to use both packages in one and the same application, because both are implemented in the same mentry namespace and provide identical commands.

To be able to access the commands and variables defined in the package Mentry, your scripts must contain one of the lines

package require mentry ?version?
package require Mentry ?version?

You can use either one of the two statements above because the file mentry.tcl contains both lines

package provide mentry ...
package provide Mentry ...

Likewise, to be able to access the commands and variables defined in the package Mentry_tile, your scripts must contain one of the lines

package require mentry_tile ?version?
package require Mentry_tile ?version?

Again, you can use either one of the two statements above because the file mentry_tile.tcl contains both lines

package provide mentry_tile ...
package provide Mentry_tile ...

You are free to remove one of the above lines from mentry.tcl and mentry_tile.tcl, respectively, if you want to prevent the corresponding packages from making themselves known under two different names each.  Of course, by doing so you restrict the argument of  package require  to a single name per package.

Since the packages Mentry and Mentry_tile are implemented in the mentry namespace, you must either invoke the

namespace import mentry::pattern ?mentry::pattern ...?

command to import the procedures you need, or use qualified names like mentry::mentry.  In the examples below we have chosen the latter approach.

To access Mentry variables, you must use qualified names.  There are only three Mentry variables (and one more when using Mentry_tile) that are designed to be accessed outside the namespace mentry:

More on Mentry_tile

As mentioned above, a mentry widget consists of entry and label widgets, embedded in a frame.  While in the Mentry package all of these components are Tk widgets, the Mentry_tile package uses both Tk frame, tile entry, and Tk label widgets.  Due to several incompatibilities between Tk and tile, it is currently not possible to replace all Tk widgets making up a mentry with their tile counterparts.  Actually, the entry components of a tile-based mentry are embedded into Tk frame widgets, which in turn, together with the labels, are packed into a specially constructed tile entry rather than a frame.  This somewhat complicated layout is needed because in several themes it is not possible to draw flat, borderless tile enty widgets.

From the above it follows that the package Mentry_tile will only work as expected if the Tk frame and label commands haven't been overridden by using  namespace import -force ttk::*  at global scope.  While earlier tile releases suggested using this command at global scope for the really adventurous, in newer tile versions this is considered a Really Bad Idea, causing many things to break.  Instead, you should explicitly invoke ttk::frame, ttk::label, etc. whenever you want to use a tile widget.

Another restriction to be taken into account is due to the fact that in earlier tile versions the  (ttk::)style theme use  command could only be used to set the current theme, but not to retrieve it.  For this reason, if the package Mentry_tile cannot get the current theme with the aid of  ttk::style theme use  then it makes use of the variable ttk::currentTheme or tile::currentTheme (depending on the tile version), which is set by the ttk::setTheme or tile::setTheme command.  From this it follows that if the tile version being used doesn't support the  ttk::style theme use  command without an argument then the tile-based mentry widgets will only have the expected appearance if the platform-specific default theme is either left unchanged or replaced with another theme by invoking the library procedure ttk::setTheme or tile::setTheme, depending on the tile version.  (See also the mentry::setTheme command.)

After these cautions concerning the use of tile, the rest of this section describes the differences between the packages Mentry and Mentry_tile.

The Mentry_tile package checks whether the required Tk and tile versions are present, by executing the commands

package require Tk 8.4-
if {$::tk_version < 8.5 || [regexp {^8\.5a[1-5]$} $::tk_patchLevel]} {
    package require tile 0.6-

The second command above reflects the fact that, beginning with Tk 8.5a6, tile is integrated into the Tk core and therefore it should only be loaded explicitly when using an earlier Tk version.

Apart from this and the _tile suffix in the  package require  command, the only difference (from the programmer's point of view) between the packages Mentry and Mentry_tile is related to the supported configuration options:  The following Tk (entry) widget options, present in the Mentry package, are not supported by Mentry_tile, because they are not available for tile (entry) widgets: -borderwidth, -disabledbackground, -disabledforeground, -highlightbackground, -highlightcolor, -highlightthickness, -insertbackground, -insertborderwidth, -insertofftime, -insertontime, -insertwidth, -readonlybackground, -relief, -selectbackground, -selectborderwidth, and -selectforeground.

Notice that the -background option doesn't work as expected if the current theme is Arc, plastik, tileqt, vista, or xpnative, because these themes silently ignore any attempt to change the background color of a tile entry widget.

Finally, take into account that, when using the tileqt theme, the version number of the tile::theme::tileqt package must be 0.4 or higher, and tileqt itself won't work with tile versions earlier than 0.7.

Contents     Start page


A mentry Widget for Phone Numbers

Let's resume the example mentioned in the Overview in a bit more systematical manner.  First, we will write a procedure for creating a mentry widget that allows to display and edit 10-digit phone numbers and accepts any configuration options supported by the mentry::mentry command:

# phoneNumberMentry
# Creates a new mentry widget win that allows to display and edit 10-digit
# phone numbers.  Sets the type attribute of the widget to PhoneNumber and
# returns the name of the newly created widget.
proc phoneNumberMentry {win args} {
    # Create a mentry widget consisting of two entries of width 3 and one of
    # width 4, separated by "-" characters, and set its type to PhoneNumber
    eval [list mentry::mentry $win] $args
    $win configure -body {3 - 3 - 4}
    $win attrib type PhoneNumber

    # Allow only decimal digits in all entry components; use
    # wcb::cbappend (or wcb::cbprepend) instead of wcb::callback
    # in order to keep the wcb::checkEntryLen callback,
    # registered by mentry::mentry for all entry components
    for {set n 0} {$n < 3} {incr n} {
        set w [$win entrypath $n]
        wcb::cbappend $w before insert wcb::checkStrForNum
        $win adjustentry $n "0123456789"
        bindtags $w [linsert [bindtags $w] 1 MentryPhoneNumber]

    return $win

The first argument win is the name of the widget, and the keyword args represents a list of configuration options and their values, just like in the case of the standard Tk widgets.  The value  {3 - 3 - 4}  of the -body option specifies that the mentry should consist of two entries of width 3 and one of width 4, separated by labels displaying the "-" character.

Each mentry widget may have any number of private attributes, which can be set and retrieved with the aid of the attrib subcommand of the Tcl procedure corresponding to the widget.  We use this subcommand to define the type attribute of the newly created widget and set it to the value "PhoneNumber".  Although this is not strictly necessary, it will enable us to distinguish a phone number mentry from other multi-entry widgets.

The mentry::mentry command registers the wcb::checkEntryLen callback with each entry component of the mentry widget to restrict the number of characters that can be inserted into it to the initial width specified in the -body option.  Besides this constraint, we want our entries to accept only decimal digits, therefore we use the wcb::cbappend command to add the procedure wcb::checkStrForNum to the callback list of each entry component.  By invoking wcb::callback instead of wcb::cbappend (or wcb::cbprepend), we would replace the callback list with the one consisting of the single element wcb::checkStrForNum.

Now we know that each entry component of the mentry widget will only accept a limited number of decimal digits.  But are the widths of the entries large enough to hold the maximal number of 3 or 4 decimal digits, respectively?  In the case of a fixed-width font the answer is definitely "yes", and the same holds true for most proportionally-spaced fonts.  There are, however, fonts in which not all decimal digits have the same width.  For this reason, we invoke the adjustentry subcommand for each entry component, passing to it as last argument a string consisting of the allowed characters, which in this example are the decimal digits.  This subcommand will increase the entry widget's width if needed, to make it just large enough for texts of the component-specific maximal length, consisting of characters specified by that string.

Our second procedure outputs a phone number to a mentry widget having a type attribute value of "PhoneNumber":

# putPhoneNumber
# Outputs the phone number num to the mentry widget win of type PhoneNumber.
# The phone number must be a string of length 10, consisting of decimal digits.
proc putPhoneNumber {num win} {
    # Check the syntax of num
    if {[string length $num] != 10 || ![regexp {^[0-9]*$} $num]} {
        return -code error "expected 10 decimal digits but got \"$num\""

    # Check the widget and display the properly formatted phone number
    checkIfPhoneNumberMentry $win
    $win put 0 [string range $num 0 2] [string range $num 3 5] \
               [string range $num 6 9]

We use the put subcommand of the Tcl procedure corresponding to the mentry widget to display the three substrings of the given phone number in the corresponding entries, starting with the entry whose index is specified as the first argument following the word put.

Next, we need a procedure that returns the phone number contained in a mentry widget having a type attribute value of "PhoneNumber":

# getPhoneNumber
# Returns the phone number contained in the mentry widget win of type
# PhoneNumber.
proc getPhoneNumber win {
    # Check the widget
    checkIfPhoneNumberMentry $win

    # Generate an error if any entry component is empty or incomplete
    for {set n 0} {$n < 3} {incr n} {
        if {[$win isempty $n]} {
            focus [$win entrypath $n]
            return -code error EMPTY
        if {![$win isfull $n]} {
            focus [$win entrypath $n]
            return -code error INCOMPL

    # Return the phone number built from the
    # values contained in the entry components
    $win getarray strs
    return $strs(0)$strs(1)$strs(2)

The procedure runs over the indices of the entry components of the given mentry widget and invokes the isempty and isfull subcommands of the Tcl command corresponding to the given mentry widget.  If one of the entries is found to be empty or incomplete, the procedure gets its path name by calling the entrypath subcommand, sets the focus to that entry, raises an error, and returns the value "EMPTY" or "INCOMPL", respectively.  The application invoking this procedure should then display an appropriate error message corresponding to the return value.

Notice that the number 3 in the for loop above is nothing else than  [$win entrycount].  Also, it would be sufficient to check whether all entry components are full, because an empty entry is at the same time incomplete.  The preliminary check whether an entry is empty is just made for the user's convenience.

To build the phone number from the values contained in the entry components, we use a temporary array variable and invoke the getarray subcommand, which copies the contents of the entries to the corresponding array elements.

The last two procedures presented above contain an invocation of the command checkIfPhoneNumberMentry, which is implemented as folows:

# checkIfPhoneNumberMentry
# Generates an error if win is not a mentry widget of type PhoneNumber.
proc checkIfPhoneNumberMentry win {
    if {![winfo exists $win]} {
        return -code error "bad window path name \"$win\""

    if {[winfo class $win] ne "Mentry" ||
        [$win attrib type] ne "PhoneNumber"} {
        return -code error \
               "window \"$win\" is not a mentry widget for phone numbers"

This procedure retrieves the value of the type attribute of its argument to check whether the latter denotes a mentry widget for phone numbers (recall that this attribute was set to the value "PhoneNumber" in the procedure phoneNumberMentry).

Finally, recall that in the procedure phoneNumberMentry, we inserted the binding tag MentryPhoneNumber into the list of binding tags of the mentry's entry components, just after their path names.  The binding script for this tag shown in the code below handles <<Paste>> (<Control-v> or <Command-v>) events in these entry widgets by pasting the current contents of the clipboard into the mentry, provided that it is a valid 10-digit phone number:

bind MentryPhoneNumber <> { pastePhoneNumber %W }

# pastePhoneNumber
# Handles <> events in the entry component w of a mentry widget for
# 10-digit phone numbers by pasting the current contents of the clipboard into
# the mentry if it is a valid 10-digit phone number.
proc pastePhoneNumber w {
    set res [catch {::tk::GetSelection $w CLIPBOARD} num]
    if {$res == 0} {
        set win [winfo parent $w]
        catch { putPhoneNumber $num $win }

    return -code break ""

The five procedures discussed above are implemented in the file phonenumber.tcl, contained in the demos directory.  This script also puts them together to build a small application displaying the following figure:

Phone Number

Here is the relevant code fragment:

package require mentry

set title "Phone Number"
wm title . $title

# Add some entries to the Tk option database
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] option.tcl]

. . .

# Frame .f with a mentry displaying a phone number
frame .f
label .f.l -text "A mentry widget for phone numbers:"
pack .f.l

# Message strings corresponding to the values
# returned by getPhoneNumber on failure
array set msgs {
    EMPTY       "Field value missing"
    INCOMPL     "Incomplete field value"

# Button .get invoking the procedure getPhoneNumber
button .get -text "Get from mentry" -command {
    if {[catch {
        set num ""
        set num [getPhoneNumber]
    } result] != 0} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -message $msgs($result) \
                      -title $title -type ok

# Label .num displaying the result of getPhoneNumber
label .num -textvariable num

. . .

putPhoneNumber 1234567890
focus [ entrypath 0]

A mentry Widget for Ethernet Addresses

Ethernet addresses are usuallly written in the form "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", where each "X" is a hexadecimal digit.  The file ethernetaddr.tcl in the demos directory contains the steps needed to create and use a multi-entry widget for displaying and editing Ethernet addresses.  It implements the procedures ethernetAddrMentry, putEthernetAddr, and getEthernetAddr; the last two invoke the helper procedure checkIfEthernetAddrMentry, while the first one is implemented as follows:

# ethernetAddrMentry
# Creates a new mentry widget win that allows to display and edit Ethernet
# addresses.  Sets the type attribute of the widget to EthernetAddr and returns
# the name of the newly created widget.
proc ethernetAddrMentry {win args} {
    # Create a mentry widget consisting of 6 entries of width
    # 2, separated by colons, and set its type to EthernetAddr
    eval [list mentry::mentry $win] $args
    $win configure -body {2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2}
    $win attrib type EthernetAddr

    # Install automatic uppercase conversion and allow only hexadecimal
    # digits in all entry components; use wcb::cbappend (or wcb::cbprepend)
    # instead of wcb::callback in order to keep the wcb::checkEntryLen
    # callback, registered by mentry::mentry for all entry components
    for {set n 0} {$n < 6} {incr n} {
        set w [$win entrypath $n]
        wcb::cbappend $w before insert wcb::convStrToUpper \
                      {wcb::checkStrForRegExp {^[0-9A-F]*$}}
        $win adjustentry $n "0123456789ABCDEF"
        bindtags $w [linsert [bindtags $w] 1 MentryEthernetAddr]
    return $win

Notice again the invocation of the adjustentry subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the mentry widget, for each of its entry components.  This is necessary, because in the case of a proportionally-spaced font the characters A - F need more room than the digits 0 - 9 (and it is not even guaranteed that the latters have the same width).

The procedure putEthernetAddr expects as its first argument a string of the form "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", where each "XX" must be a hexadecimal string in the range 0 - 255:

# putEthernetAddr
# Outputs the Ethernet address addr to the mentry widget win of type
# EthernetAddr.  The address must be a string of the form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,
# where each XX must be a hexadecimal string in the range 0 - 255.  Leading
# zeros are allowed (but not required), hence the components may have more (but
# also less) than two characters; the procedure displays them with exactly two
# digits.
proc putEthernetAddr {addr win} {
    set errorMsg "expected an Ethernet address but got \"$addr\""

    # Check the syntax of addr
    set lst [split $addr :]
    if {[llength $lst] != 6} {
        return -code error $errorMsg

    # Try to convert the 6 components of addr to hexadecimal
    # strings and check whether they are in the range 0 - 255
    for {set n 0} {$n < 6} {incr n} {
        set val 0x[lindex $lst $n]
        if {[catch {format "%02X" $val} str$n] != 0 || $val < 0 || $val > 255} {
            return -code error $errorMsg

    # Check the widget and display the properly formatted Ethernet address
    checkIfEthernetAddrMentry $win
    $win put 0 $str0 $str1 $str2 $str3 $str4 $str5

The procedure getEthernetAddr raises an error if any entry component of the given mentry widget is empty.  It accepts also entry strings of length one, but in the return value all components will have exactly two digits:

# getEthernetAddr
# Returns the Ethernet address contained in the mentry widget win of type
# EthernetAddr.
proc getEthernetAddr win {
    # Check the widget
    checkIfEthernetAddrMentry $win

    # Generate an error if any entry component is empty
    for {set n 0} {$n < 6} {incr n} {
        if {[$win isempty $n]} {
            focus [$win entrypath $n]
            return -code error EMPTY

    # Return the properly formatted Ethernet address built
    # from the values contained in the entry components
    $win getarray strs
    return [format "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" \
            0x$strs(0) 0x$strs(1) 0x$strs(2) 0x$strs(3) 0x$strs(4) 0x$strs(5)]

We will not show the rest of the code here, because it is very similar to the one presented in the preceding section.  The mentry widget for Ethernet addresses looks like in the following figure:

Ethernet Address

Using mentry Widgets for Date and Time

Multi-entry widgets can be used to display and edit date and time in a great variety of formats.  The Mentry package contains ready-to-use commands for this purpose:

Before describing the other date- and time-related commands provided by the Mentry package, let's see how the first two of the above are invoked in the file datetime1.tcl, located in the demos directory:

package require mentry

set title "Date & Time"
wm title . $title 

# Add some entries to the Tk option database
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] option.tcl]
# Date and time formats supported by this demo
# script and the corresponding field separators
array set dateFmts {0 mdy  1 dmy  2 Ymd}
array set dateSeps {0 /    1 .    2 -  }
array set timeFmts {0 IMS  1 HMS}
array set timeSeps {0 :    1 :  }

# Choose the date & time formats; don't use the %p field descriptor
# for displaying the AM/PM indicator, because it doesn't
# work on UNIX if Tcl/Tk is used in a non-default locale
wm withdraw .
set clockVal [clock seconds]
if {[clock format $clockVal -format "%H"] < 12} {
    set meridian AM
} else {
    set meridian PM
set dateIdx [tk_dialog .choice $title "Please choose a date format" {} -1 \
                       [clock format $clockVal -format "%m/%d/%y"] \ 
                       [clock format $clockVal -format "%d.%m.%y"] \ 
                       [clock format $clockVal -format "%Y-%m-%d"]]
set timeIdx [tk_dialog .choice $title "Please choose a time format" {} -1 \
                       [clock format $clockVal -format "%I:%M:%S $meridian"] \
                       [clock format $clockVal -format "%H:%M:%S"]]
wm deiconify .

# Frame .f with mentries displaying the date & time
frame .f
label .f.lDate -text "Date: "
mentry::dateMentry $dateFmts($dateIdx) $dateSeps($dateIdx) \ 
                   -justify center
frame -width 10
label .f.lTime -text "Time: "
mentry::timeMentry .f.time $timeFmts($timeIdx) $timeSeps($timeIdx) \
                   -justify center
pack .f.lDate .f.lTime .f.time -side left

Before displaying the main window, the script lets the user choose one out of three date and one out of two time formats.  The corresponding command-line arguments passed to mentry::dateMentry and mentry::timeMentry are taken from the arrays dateFmts, dateSeps, timeFmts, and timeSeps.

The following figure corresponds to the choices  dateIdx = 2  and  timeIdx = 1:

Date & Time

The demo script datetime2.tcl displays both the date and time in the same mentry widget, with the aid of the third command described above:

# Frame .f with a mentry displaying the date & time
frame .f
label .f.l -text "Date & time: "
mentry::dateTimeMentry $dateFmts($dateIdx)$timeFmts($timeIdx) \
                       $dateSeps($dateIdx) $timeSeps($timeIdx) \
                       -justify center
pack .f.l
Date & Time

The Mentry package exports two further commands for date, time, and date & time mentries:

The demo script datetime1.tcl invokes the last two commands as follows:

# Button .get invoking the procedure mentry::getClockVal
button .get -text "Get from mentries" -command {
    if {[catch {
        set dateTime ""
        set base [mentry::getClockVal]
        set clockVal [mentry::getClockVal .f.time -base $base]
        set dateTime [clock format $clockVal -format "%c"]
    } result] != 0} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -message $msgs($result) \
                      -title $title -type ok

# Label .dateTime displaying the result of mentry::getClockVal
label .dateTime -textvariable dateTime

. . .

set clockVal [clock seconds]
mentry::putClockVal $clockVal
mentry::putClockVal $clockVal .f.time
focus [ entrypath 0]

To obtain the clock value from the mentry widgets and .f.time, we first pass the name of the date mentry to the command mentry::getClockVal and then use the result as the value of the -base option when passing the name of the time mentry to the same procedure.

The demo script datetime2.tcl is simpler:

# Button .get invoking the procedure mentry::getClockVal
button .get -text "Get from mentry" -command {
    if {[catch {
        set dateTime ""
        set clockVal [mentry::getClockVal]
        set dateTime [clock format $clockVal -format "%c"]
    } result] != 0} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -message $msgs($result) \
                      -title $title -type ok

# Label .dateTime displaying the result of mentry::getClockVal
label .dateTime -textvariable dateTime

. . .

set clockVal [clock seconds]
mentry::putClockVal $clockVal
focus [ entrypath 0]

Tile-Based Demo Scripts

The Mentry distribution contains also tile-based counterparts of the demo scripts discussed above.  As described in the More on Mentry_tile section of this tutorial, it is quite easy to port an application using the Mentry package to one based on Mentry_tile.  For example, let's see how to transform the demo script phonenumber.tcl into a tile-based one, called phonenumber_tile.tcl.  The changes are shown below in red color:

package require mentry_tile

set title "Phone Number"
wm title . $title

# Add some entries to the Tk option database
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] option_tile.tcl]

. . .

proc pastePhoneNumber w {

    . . .

    if {$res == 0} {
        set win [winfo parent [winfo parent $w]]
        . . .

. . .

# Improve the window's appearance by using a tile
# frame as a container for the other widgets
ttk::frame .base

# Frame .base.f with a mentry displaying a phone number
ttk::frame .base.f
ttk::label .base.f.l -text "A mentry widget for phone numbers:"
pack .base.f.l

# Message strings corresponding to the values
# returned by getPhoneNumber on failure
array set msgs {
    EMPTY       "Field value missing"
    INCOMPL     "Incomplete field value"

# Button .base.get invoking the procedure getPhoneNumber
ttk::button .base.get -text "Get from mentry" -command {
    if {[catch {
        set num ""
        set num [getPhoneNumber]
    } result] != 0} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -message $msgs($result) \
                      -title $title -type ok

# Label .base.num displaying the result of getPhoneNumber
ttk::label .base.num -textvariable num

. . .

putPhoneNumber 1234567890
focus [ entrypath 0]

That's all!  The resulting window has a nice theme-specific appearance:

Phone Number

The only Mentry-specific changes in the code above consist of the use of the _tile suffix in mentry_tile and a second invocation of  winfo parent  in the procedure pastePhoneNumber (for technical reasons, the entry components of a tile-based mentry widget are grandchildren of the mentry).

Contents     Start page