Multi-Entry Widgets for Date and Time

For Mentry Version 4.3


Csaba Nemethi


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The mentry::dateMentry Command

mentry::dateMentry – Create and manipulate mentry widgets for date
mentry::dateMentry pathName format separator ?options?
This command creates a new mentry widget pathName for displaying and editing a date according to the format argument, which must be a string of length 3, consisting of the letters "d" for the day (01 - 31), "m" for the month (01 - 12), and "y" or "Y" for the year without century (00 - 99) or with century (e.g., 2008), in an arbitrary order.  These field descriptor characters have the same meanings as in the  clock format  command.  The separator argument specifies the text to be displayed in the labels separating the three entry components of the mentry widget (the most common values are the "/", "-", and "." characters).  The supported options are the same as in the case of the mentry::mentry command.
The command sets the type attribute of the widget to the value "Date", saves the value of format in its format attribute, and returns the name of the newly created widget.
The mentry::dateMentry command defines four new keyboard bindings for the entry components of the mentry widget it creates:  The Up key increments the entry's value by 1 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Down key decrements the entry's value by 1 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  The Prior key increments the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Next key decrements the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  If the entry is empty then all of these keys insert the component-specific minimum value into the entry.
The actions performed by the Up and Down keys can also be triggered with the aid of the mouse wheel or a two-finger gesture on the touchpad.  In addition, on Mac OS X/11+ Aqua, the actions performed by the Prior and Next keys are also triggered by the <Option-MouseWheel> event.  The same holds true on all windowing systems if the Tk version is 8.7a4 or later, where the Option modifier is bound to the Option key on Mac OS X/11+ and to the Alt key on Windows and X11.
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The mentry::timeMentry Command

mentry::timeMentry – Create and manipulate mentry widgets for time
mentry::timeMentry pathName format separator ?options?
This command creates a new mentry widget pathName for displaying and editing a time according to the format argument, which must be a string of length 2 or 3, consisting of the following field descriptor characters of the  clock format  command: "H" or "I", followed by "M", and optionally the letter "S".  An "H" as first character specifies the time format "%H:%M" or "%H:%M:%S" (i.e., with the hour between 0 and 23), while the letter "I" stands for  "%I:%M %p"  or  "%I:%M:%S %p"  (i.e., with AM/PM indicator).  The separator argument specifies the text to be displayed in the labels separating the entry components of the mentry widget (this is usually the ":" character).  The options are the same as in the case of the mentry::mentry command.
The command sets the type attribute of the widget to the value "Time", saves the value of format in its format attribute, and returns the name of the newly created widget.
The mentry::timeMentry command defines four new keyboard bindings for the entry components of the mentry widget it creates:  The Up key increments the entry's value by 1 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Down key decrements the entry's value by 1 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  The Prior key increments the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Next key decrements the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  If the entry is empty then all of these keys insert the component-specific minimum value into the entry.
The actions performed by the Up and Down keys can also be triggered with the aid of the mouse wheel or a two-finger gesture on the touchpad.  In addition, on Mac OS X/11+ Aqua, the actions performed by the Prior and Next keys are also triggered by the <Option-MouseWheel> event.  The same holds true on all windowing systems if the Tk version is 8.7a4 or later, where the Option modifier is bound to the Option key on Mac OS X/11+ and to the Alt key on Windows and X11.
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The mentry::dateTimeMentry Command

mentry::dateTimeMentry – Create and manipulate mentry widgets for date & time
mentry::dateTimeMentry pathName format dateSeparator timeSeparator ?options?
This command creates a new mentry widget pathName for displaying and editing a date & time according to the format argument, which must be a string of length 5 or 6, with the first 3 characters consisting of the letters "d" for the day (01 - 31), "m" for the month (01 - 12), and "y" or "Y" for the year without century (00 - 99) or with century (e.g., 2008), in an arbitrary order, followed by 2 or 3 further field descriptor characters of the clock format  command, which must be: "H" or "I", then "M", and optionally the letter "S".  An "H" specifies the time format "%H:%M" or "%H:%M:%S" (i.e., with the hour between 0 and 23), while the letter "I" stands for  "%I:%M %p"  or  "%I:%M:%S %p"  (i.e., with AM/PM indicator).  The dateSeparator argument specifies the text to be displayed in the labels separating the entry components in the date part of the mentry widget (the most common values are the "/", "-", and "." characters).  Similarly, the timeSeparator argument stands for the text to be displayed in the labels separating the entry components in the time part of mentry widget (this is usually the ":" character).  The date and time parts in turn are separated from each other by a space character.  The supported options are the same as in the case of the mentry::mentry command.
The command sets the type attribute of the widget to the value "DateTime", saves the value of format in its format attribute, and returns the name of the newly created widget.
The mentry::dateTimeMentry command defines four new keyboard bindings for the entry components of the mentry widget it creates:  The Up key increments the entry's value by 1 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Down key decrements the entry's value by 1 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  The Prior key increments the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is less than the allowed maximum for that component.  Similarly, the Next key decrements the entry's value by at most 10 if the latter is greater than the allowed minimum for that component.  If the entry is empty then all of these keys insert the component-specific minimum value into the entry.
The actions performed by the Up and Down keys can also be triggered with the aid of the mouse wheel or a two-finger gesture on the touchpad.  In addition, on Mac OS X/11+ Aqua, the actions performed by the Prior and Next keys are also triggered by the <Option-MouseWheel> event.  The same holds true on all windowing systems if the Tk version is 8.7a4 or later, where the Option modifier is bound to the Option key on Mac OS X/11+ and to the Alt key on Windows and X11.
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The mentry::putClockVal Command

mentry::putClockVal – Output a clock value to a date, time, or date & time mentry
mentry::putClockVal clockValue pathName ?-gmt boolean?
This command outputs the date, time, or date & time corresponding to the integer clockValue to the mentry widget pathName, which must have been created with the mentry::dateMentry, mentry::timeMentry, or mentry::dateTimeMentry command (this is checked by examining the widget's type attribute, which must have the value "Date", "Time", or "DateTime").
Like in the case of the  clock format  command, the optional argument pair  -gmt boolean specifies whether the clock value is to be formatted as Greenwich Mean Time or according to the local timezone as defined by the operating environment.
mentry, widget, date, time, clock

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The mentry::getClockVal Command

mentry::getClockVal – Get the clock value from a date, time, or date & time mentry
mentry::getClockVal pathName ?-base clockValue? ?-gmt boolean?
This command returns the clock value corresponding to the date, time, or date & time contained in the mentry widget pathName, which must have been created with the mentry::dateMentry, mentry::timeMentry, or mentry::dateTimeMentry command (this is checked by examining the widget's type attribute, which must have the value "Date", "Time", or "DateTime").
Like in the case of the  clock scan  command, the optional argument pair  -base clockValue specifies that the date contained in clockValue is to be used when getting the clock value from the given mentry widget, and the optional argument pair  -gmt boolean specifies whether the clock value is to be calculated relative to Greenwich Mean Time or according to the local timezone as defined by the operating environment.
If an error occurs during the conversion, the command sets the focus to the first erronous entry component, generates an error, and returns one of the values contained in the following table:
Return Value Meaning
"EMPTY" Any entry component (except the one containing the seconds) is empty.
"BAD" The value of the day, month, or hour (the latter only if the AM/PM indicator is present) is 0.
"BAD_DATE" The <year, month, day> triple is invalid (note that the command is aware of leap years).
"BAD_YEAR" The above triple is valid, but the conversion (made with the aid of the  clock scan  command) failed because of an unsupported year value (e.g., between 38 and 70).
mentry, widget, date, time, clock

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