Multi-Entry Widgets for Real Numbers
in Fixed-Point Format

For Mentry Version 4.3


Csaba Nemethi


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The mentry::fixedPointMentry Command

mentry::fixedPointMentry – Create and manipulate mentry widgets for real numbers in fixed-point format
mentry::fixedPointMentry pathName count1 count2 ?-comma? ?options?
This command creates a new mentry widget pathName for displaying and editing real numbers in fixed-point format, with count1 characters before and count2 digits after the decimal point.  Both count1 and count2 must be positive integers.  The mentry will have two entry components, separated by a label displaying a "." character by default; the optional -comma switch changes the label text to ",".  The supported options are the same as in the case of the mentry::mentry command.
The command sets the type attribute of the widget to the value "FixedPoint" and returns the name of the newly created widget.
mentry, widget, real number

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The mentry::putReal Command

mentry::putReal – Output a real number to a mentry of type "FixedPoint"
mentry::putReal number pathName
This command outputs the real number number to the mentry widget pathName, which must have been created with the mentry::fixedPointMentry command (this is checked by examining the widget's type attribute, which must have the value "FixedPoint").
The command generates an error if the number does not fit into the widget because it has too many characters before the decimal point.
mentry, widget, real number

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The mentry::getReal Command

mentry::getReal – Get a real number from a mentry of type "FixedPoint"
mentry::getReal pathName
This command returns the number contained in the mentry widget pathName, which must have been created with the mentry::fixedPointMentry command (this is checked by examining the widget's type attribute, which must have the value "FixedPoint").
If both entry components of the widget are empty, the command sets the focus to the first entry component, generates an error, and returns the string "EMPTY".
mentry, widget, real number

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