Interactive Tablelist Cell Editing Using the Mentry Package

For Tablelist Version 7.4


Csaba Nemethi


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The multi-entry package Mentry is a library extension for Tcl/Tk versions 8.4 or higher, written in pure Tcl/Tk code.  Its download location is

Starting with version 3.0, the Mentry distribution provides not only the package Mentry, but also its tile-based equivalent Mentry_tile, which enables the theme-specific appearance of mentry widgets; this package requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or higher and tile 0.6 or higher.

Tablelist supports interactive cell editing with the aid of the mentry widgets of type "Date", "Time", "DateTime, "FixedPoint", "IPAddr", and "IPv6Addr".  The steps needed for using one of these widgets for editing the cells of a given column are as follows:

  1. Register the desired widget for interactive cell editing by invoking one of the commands described in this reference page.
  2. Use the tablelist widget's columnconfigure subcommand to set the given column's -editable option to true and its -editwindow option to the value returned by the command mentioned above.  (These options are supported at cell level, too, with the aid of the cellconfigure subcommand.)

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The tablelist::addDateMentry Command

tablelist::addDateMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "Date" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addDateMentry format separator ?-gmt? ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::dateMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The format and separator arguments have the same meanings as in the mentry::dateMentry command.  If the -gmt argument is present then both the internal clock value and its external date representation in the mentry widget will be viewed as Greenwich Mean Time, otherwise as local time.  The second optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is dateMentry.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain as internal cell values date information in seconds (displayed with the aid of a command given by the -formatcommand column configuration option).  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getClockVal command.  The value returned by this command (a clock value in seconds or one of the error strings "EMPTY", "BAD", "BAD_DATE", or "BAD_YEAR") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is one of the above error strings then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, date

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The tablelist::addTimeMentry Command

tablelist::addTimeMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "Time" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addTimeMentry format separator ?-gmt? ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::timeMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The format and separator arguments have the same meanings as in the mentry::timeMentry command.  If the -gmt argument is present then both the internal clock value and its external time representation in the mentry widget will be viewed as Greenwich Mean Time, otherwise as local time.  The second optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is timeMentry.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain as internal cell values time information in seconds (displayed with the aid of a command given by the -formatcommand column configuration option).  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getClockVal command.  The value returned by this command (a clock value in seconds or one of the error strings "EMPTY" or "BAD") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is one of the above error strings then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, time

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The tablelist::addDateTimeMentry Command

tablelist::addDateTimeMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "DateTime" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addDateTimeMentry format dateSeparator timeSeparator ?-gmt? ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::dateTimeMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The format, dateSeparator, and timeSeparator arguments have the same meanings as in the mentry::dateTimeMentry command.  If the -gmt argument is present then both the internal clock value and its external date & time representation in the mentry widget will be viewed as Greenwich Mean Time, otherwise as local time.  The second optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is dateTimeMentry.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain as internal cell values date & time information in seconds (displayed with the aid of a command given by the -formatcommand column configuration option).  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getClockVal command.  The value returned by this command (a clock value in seconds or one of the error strings "EMPTY", "BAD", "BAD_DATE", or "BAD_YEAR") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is one of the above error strings then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, date, time

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The tablelist::addFixedPointMentry Command

tablelist::addFixedPointMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "FixedPoint" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addFixedPointMentry count1 count2 ?-comma? ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::fixedPointMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The count1, count2, and -comma arguments have the same meanings as in the mentry::fixedPointMentry command.  The second optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is fixedPointMentry_count1.count2 (e.g., fixedPointMentry_6.2) or fixedPointMentry_count1,count2 (e.g., fixedPointMentry_6,2), depending on the presence of the optional -comma argument.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain real numbers as internal cell values.  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getReal command.  The value returned by this command (a real number or the error string "EMPTY") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is the above error string then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, real number

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The tablelist::addIPAddrMentry Command

tablelist::addIPAddrMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "IPAddr" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addIPAddrMentry ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::ipAddrMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is ipAddrMentry.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain IP addresses as internal cell values.  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getIPAddr command.  The value returned by this command (an IP address or the error string "EMPTY") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is the above error string then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, IP address

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The tablelist::addIPv6AddrMentry Command

tablelist::addIPv6AddrMentry – Register the mentry widget of type "IPv6Addr" for interactive cell editing
tablelist::addIPv6AddrMentry ?name?
This command registers the widget created by the mentry::ipv6AddrMentry command from the Mentry (or Mentry_tile) package for interactive cell editing in tablelist widgets.  The optional argument specifies the name to be used for the mentry widget as the value of the -editwindow column or cell configuration option.  It may be any string that is different from the Tk core and tile edit window names.  The default is ipv6AddrMentry.  The command returns its name argument.
A tablelist column having the above name as the value of its -editwindow option must contain IPv6 addresses as internal cell values.  The finishediting subcommand of the Tcl command associated with the tablelist widget will retrieve the content of the embedded window used for interactive cell editing by invoking the mentry::getIPv6Addr command.  The value returned by this command (an IPv6 address or the error string "EMPTY") will be passed to the script corresponding to the -editendcommand tablelist configuration option (if any), as its last argument.  If this value is the above error string then the script should reject the mentry's content by invoking the rejectinput subcommand.
tablelist, editing, Mentry, IPv6 address

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