Command – Quick Referencescrollutil::scrollsync
Command – Detailed Referencescrollutil::getscrollsync
– Quick Referencescrollutil::scrollsync
– Create and manipulate
scrollsync widgetsscrollutil::scrollsync pathName ?options?
-background -highlightbackground -relief -borderwidth -highlightcolor -xscrollcommand -cursor -highlightthickness -yscrollcommand
pathName attrib ?name
?value name value ...??
pathName cget
pathName configure
?option ?value option value ...??
pathName hasattrib
pathName setwidgets
pathName unsetattrib
pathName widgets
pathName xview
pathName xview
pathName xview moveto
pathName xview scroll number
pathName yview
pathName yview
pathName yview moveto
pathName yview scroll number
Command – Detailed Referencescrollutil::scrollsync
– Create and manipulate
scrollsync widgetsscrollutil::scrollsync pathName ?options?
command creates a new
window named pathName
and of the class
, and makes it into a scrollsync
widget. Additional options, described below, may be specified on the
command line or in the option database to configure aspects of the
scrollsync widget such as its borderwidth and relief. The
command returns its
argument. At the time this command is
invoked, there must not exist a window named pathName
but pathName
's parent must exist.-xscrollcommand
and -yscrollcommand
configuration options and the associated Tcl command has the
and yview
subcommands. Whenever the
horizontal/vertical position of the view in the window of one of the
horizontally/vertically scrollable widgets contained in the list passed to
the setwidgets
subcommand of
the associated Tcl command changes, the view in the windows of all the
other horizontally/vertically scrollable elements of that list is
automatically adjusted accordingly, thus making sure that the view's
position in these windows is kept in sync.set sa [scrollutil::scrollarea ...] set ss [scrollutil::scrollsync $ ...] $sa setwidget $ss set lb1 [listbox $ss.lb1 ...] set lb2 [listbox $ss.lb2 ...] $ss setwidgets [list $lb1 $lb2] grid $lb1 $lb2 -sticky news -padx {0 2} grid rowconfigure $ss 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $ss all -weight 1 pack $sa -expand yes -fill both
-background -highlightbackground -relief -borderwidth -highlightcolor -xscrollcommand -cursor -highlightthickness -yscrollcommand
, and
options are only supported by the
Scrollutil package, but not by Scrollutil_tile. They have the same
default values as the options of the same names for Tk frame widgets.
The default values of the remaining standard options are:-borderwidth 0 -cursor "" -relief flat -xscrollcommand "" -yscrollcommand ""
Command-Line Name: | -takefocus |
Database Name: | takeFocus |
Database Class: | TakeFocus |
This option determines whether the scrollsync widget accepts the focus during keyboard traversal. It is almost identical to the standard option of the same name (see the options manual entry for details). The only difference is that not the scrollsync widget itself but the first element of the widget list passed to the
subcommand of the associated Tcl command will receive the focus during keyboard traversal with the standard keys (Tab
). The default is0
, being that a scrollsync widget is esentially a frame containing the above-mentioned widgets.
command creates a new Tcl
command whose name is pathName
. This command
may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the
following general form:
pathName option ?arg arg ...?
and the arg
s determine
the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are
possible for scrollsync widgets:pathName attrib
?name ?value name value ...??
is specified, the command returns a list of
pairs, each of which contains the name and the value of an attribute
for pathName
. If name
specified with no value
, then the command returns
the value of the one named attribute, or an empty string if no
corresponding value exists (you can use the hasattrib
subcommand to distinguish this
case from the one that the value of an existing attribute is an
empty string). If one or more
pairs are specified,
then the command sets the given widget attribute(s) to the given
value(s); in this case the return value is an empty string. Each
may be an arbitrary string.pathName cget
, which may have any of the values accepted
by the scrollutil::scrollsync
command.pathName configure
?option ?value option value
is specified, the command returns a
list describing all of the available options for
(see Tk_ConfigureInfo
for information on the format of this list). If
is specified with no
, then the command returns a list describing
the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
sublist of the value returned if no option
specified). If one or more
pairs are
specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have
the given value(s); in this case the return value is an empty
string. option
may have any of the values
accepted by the scrollutil::scrollsync
command.pathName hasattrib
if the attribute name
exists and 0
otherwise.pathName setwidgets
argument must be a
valid list consisting of path names of existing widgets. Whenever
the horizontal/vertical position of the view in the window of one of
the horizontally/vertically scrollable widgets contained in this list
changes, the view in the windows of all the other
horizontally/vertically scrollable elements of the list will be
automatically adjusted accordingly, thus making sure that the view's
position in these windows is kept in sync. The return value is
the argument passed to the previous successful invocation of this
subcommand, or an empty list if there was no successful
invocation before.widgetList
gets destroyed,
that widget is automatically removed from the internal list of widgets
in whose windows the view's position is kept in sync.pathName
unsetattrib name
. Returns an
empty string.pathName
subcommand, or an empty list if
there was no successful invocation of that subcommand yet.pathName xview
pathName xview
pathName xview moveto
pathName xview scroll number
command of the current master widget for
the x axis and returns the result of that command invocation.
The master widget for the x axis is the element of the widget list
passed to the setwidgets
subcommand having the smallest relative view width among the
horizontally scrollable widgets in that list, i.e., the least
difference between the last and first elements of the two-element list
returned by its xview
command. This master
widget can vary during program execution (in case of text widgets it
can even change depending on the current vertical view position).pathName yview
pathName yview
pathName yview moveto
pathName yview scroll number
command of the current master widget for
the y axis and returns the result of that command invocation.
The master widget for the y axis is the element of the widget list
passed to the setwidgets
subcommand having the smallest relative view height among the
vertically scrollable widgets in that list, i.e., the least difference
between the last and first elements of the two-element list returned by
its yview
command. This master widget can
vary during program execution.scrollutil::getscrollsync
– Query the scrollsync
containing a given widgetscrollutil::gescrollsync widget
argument is embedded via the scrollsync's
subcommand, or an
empty string if there is no such scrollsync widget.